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Hardware software complex for weighbridge automation
Automarshal.Weighbridge is a hardware-software complex that solves the full range of tasks of weighbridge automation: vehicle number plate recognition, automatic calculation of net weight, traffic light control , barrier and lighting control, automatic generation of documentation, video surveillance and much more.
Automarshal.Weighbridge system is based on the software, which includes an operator's workstation, a network client (workstation for remote control of weighing operations), a database and a set of optional software modules.
The unique features of Automarshal.Weighbridge software include:
Automarshal.Weighbridge interface:
Various hardware components can be used as part of Automarshal.Weighbridge complex, including:
An example of weight control area:
1 - PC with Automarshal.Weighbridge software
2 - Automarshal.Weighbridge cabinet
3 - Recognition cameras
4 - Traffic lights
5 - LED searchlights
6 - Sensors to control vehicle position on the weighbridge
7 - Barriers
8 - Video camera to capture vehicle body
To ensure the most simple and fast integration, we suggest using the Automarshal.Weighbridge control cabinet. This is a ready-made solution for connecting outdoor equipment: cameras, sensors, traffic lights, lighting and other equipment to a PC with Automarshal.Weighbridge software installed. In the process of cabinet manufacture, the individual characteristics of each facility are taken into account both in terms of the composition of the connected equipment and in design - it can be climatic, explosion-proof, etc.
Self-servicing at the weighbridge can be arranged with the help of the "Terminal" hardware and software module, which is an option to "Automarshal.Weighbridge".
Automarshal weighbridge network client is a software application installed on a personal computer with Windows operating system and providing remote access to the database of the complex.
The application allows the heads of organizations, representatives of the security service of the enterprise and other authorized persons to control the work of the operator on the scales, track the facts of vehicle entrance to the weighing area, view and edit entries in the vehicle weighing log.
The network client can be installed on any enterprise computer that has access to the server that hosts the Automarshal.Weighbridge database.
Main functions of the network client:
Viewing and editing information about vehicle weighing (image, number plate, weight, mass, etc.).
Searching and filtering of weighing data (by date, by vehicle number, by time, by type of scales, etc.).
Report generation and printing.
Exporting data and images to files.
For any inquiries or questions contact:
Andrey Kalinyak