Main page › Implementations › People detection and tracking › Face recognition and PPE detection system for the access control to the distribution units of thermal power plant
In March 2024, Mallenom Systems together with its partner – ObniskMashEnergo LLC – have performed implementation of EYECONT video analytics system at a thermal power plant.
The purpose of a system has been an increase of electrical personnel safety while being in high-risk areas (e.g., electrical rooms).
System operation result when individual has been recognised as a member of personnel in a database but without required set of PPE:
System operation result when individual has been recognised as a member of personnel in a database and with the required set of PPE:
Demonstration of the face and PPE recognition model operation:
Demonstration of informing of PPE presence for the recognised personnel member:
Face and PPE recognition system is implemented at the entries to the rooms with electrical distribution units. The system refuses access to the room with power distribution units until it receives signal confirming complete set of the PPE and personnel authorisation based on facial recognition. For informing individual about the results of performed recognition, the system utilises light signals. Upon confirmation of the access rights and completeness of PPE set, EYECONT issues a signal for physical access control system of the facility which in turn opens the door for the personnel entry.
Andrey Kalinyak
International Development Manager