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Main page Implementations Video monitoring and accounting of railway transport 11 ARDIS systems at the Slavneft-YANOS Refinery

11 ARDIS systems at the Slavneft-YANOS Refinery

In 2022, eleven ARDIS systems and 2 Automarshal systems were implemented at the Slavneft-YANOS Refinery, one of Russia's largest oil refineries located in Yaroslavl.

The customer had several main tasks that needed to be solved:

  • Control of railcars at checkpoints;
  • Tracking of product loading levels in the railcar using thermal imaging;
  • Control of automobile transport passage at the checkpoint;
  • Reporting for security service.

Since the customer purchased 11 railcar control and accounting systems for one facility at a time, the ARDIS software was modified for more flexible scaling.

  1. The possibility of executing several copies of ARDIS software on one computer has been implemented.

Each copy of ARDIS software provides recognition on one railway line. The new features allow installing several copies of the software on one operating system. Thus, the following advantages are provided:

  • Possibility to save money on computers (workstations, servers);
  • Possibility to save money on operating systems (e.g., virtualization.)
  1. “Multi-AWS” has been developed.

The ARDIS AWS received the possibility of simultaneous operation with several railway lines and displaying the status of each railway line. “Multi-AWS” significantly facilitated operator's work in conditions when there are several checkpoints available at the enterprise, and railcars do not travel through all checkpoints at the same time. With “Multi-AWS”, the operator is able to control all points in a single window.

The adjustment of the ARDIS systems at the site and software modification according to the customer's task lasted about 6 months.

Other features of the project:

  1. Thermal imaging cameras are used to control the level of oil products filling in tanks.
  2. The system can operate in stop-and-go and reverse conditions.

Two Automarshal systems were also installed at the facility to control the passage of motor vehicles through the checkpoints of the enterprise.

The results of the systems implementation at the Yaroslavl Refinery are as follows:

  • Improved control quality and convenience of tracking transportation movement at the facility;
  • Reduced possibility of theft and accidental unrecoverable losses;
  • Exclusion of human factor influence on the processes of transportation and product shipment control;
  • Possibility to analyze precedents with the recipients of railcars (purchasers of oil products).