+7 8202 20-16-35
Mon-Fri 9:00AM – 6:00PM (MSK)
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Mallenom Systems as a member of expert committee during «Professionals» contest

At the end of March 2024, the head of acceleration and training programs at Mallenom Systems, Mr. Denis Basharov, together with other company representatives have participated in a regional stage of «Professionals» contest as a part of expert committee. The event has taken place in the city of Vologda between March 19th and 22nd and was hosted by Vologda Communication and IT College.

This year marked the first time when the contest has featured the fields of Neural Networks and Big Data. During the contest participants were tasked to develop solution for recognition of vehicle number plates. As a part of the expert committee, Mallenom Systems representatives have reviewed and highly apprised each participant for their effort and final result.


In addition to being a member of Vologda region educational IT cluster, in 2023 Mallenom Systems has become a partner of federal project that is designed to provide apprenticeship, guidance and in-demand skills for practical application to the regional college students. As a result of active contribution from all of the involved parties with these two institutions, we already can see substantial improvements in skills and knowledge demonstrated by the regional students in the field of IT.  
